Thursday, August 18, 2011

As Little Children

Even as I am completing my credentials to be a professional teacher of children, I realize that children have much to teach me. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 19:14). For those who have eyes to see, there are plenty of glimpses of the “kingdom of heaven” right on the day-camp playground.

This afternoon no sooner had I arrived on the playground when I heard one of the toddlers start to cry. She had been accidentally hit by one of her classmates who had been pretending to be Spiderman. I knelt down on the ground and put my arm around her to comfort her, and she immediately latched on to me. For the next ten minutes she just wanted to cuddle. As she quieted, held close in my arms, I had a chance to ponder. I hope that like that precious little girl, whenever I am distressed or upset or hurt that I will quickly turn to the arms of my Heavenly Father for comfort: “The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms” (Deuteronomy 33:27).

A few minutes later, I had one of those “melt-your-heart” moments. Since I had arrived at day-camp while all the children were playing outside, I had set my purse on the ground by the swing-set. When it was time for all the kindergarteners to line up and head back inside, I started to reach for my purse.

“I’ll carry your purse inside for you, Miss Kristina,” five-year-old Mason eagerly volunteered.

“Well,” I paused for a moment. My purse was pretty big and heavy. Was it a good idea to entrust it to a kindergartener? But Mason was so earnest and sweet in his offer that I just had to affirm his gentlemanliness. “Mason, that is very kind of you,” I said, letting him pick up my purse and swing it over his shoulder. “Thank you.”

“Sure, Miss Kristina,” he replied sincerely, “That’s what good friends do.”

What a precious visual reminder to me that as Jesus’ friends we are called to “bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2).

As summer turns to fall and school is about to start, I look forward to learning even more from the little children God brings in my life. =)

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