Thursday, March 29, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Today is Thankful Thursday #21! This past weekend I drove to Ohio to visit one of my old roommates, Evangeline. What a fun weekend we had together!
Vange and I, ready for another day of adventures together!

1. I'm thankful for nice driving weather. (Several times I canceled the trip because of the snowy road conditions. Finally, after months of trying to get together, we found a date that worked! Hooray!)

2. I'm thankful to live within an easy driving distance from Evangeline. (That is, when I don't get lost! Which brings me to #3 . . .). It's a quaint drive between my home and hers, that weaves through the villages and farmland.

The peaceful view from Vange's front yard.

Hyacinth blooming in Vange's front yard

3. I'm thankful to have a cell phone and family members to call, to help me figure out my way, when I find myself on the wrong highway. And I'm thankful for family members who point out that I'm on the wrong highway!

3. I'm thankful for girlfriends--both old and new. It was delightful to hang out with Vange and her mom at home on Friday night, shop with her sister-in-law and nephew on Saturday afternoon, scrapbook with her friends on Saturday afternoon, and run into another old friend of mine at church on Sunday!
Mom's Diner, downtown Archbold, OH! Photo courtesy of Evangeline Rupp

Girlfriends! Photo courtesy of Kari Ernst

4. I'm thankful for Saturdays, to shop, eat out, and scrapbook together.

5. I'm thankful for the haircut that Vange gave me. I like my new look. =)

What a special weekend! I am so blessed!

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