Saturday, October 22, 2011

Quote Garden: Priorities

My favorite quotations about priorities . . .

Anything less than a conscious commitment to the important is an unconscious commitment to the unimportant. (Stephen Covey)

Do not let trifles disturb your tranquility of mind . . . Life is too precious to be sacrificed for the nonessential and transient. (Grenville Kleiser)

Slow down and enjoy life. It’s not only the scenery you miss going too fast—you also miss the sense of where you are going and why. (Eddie Cantor)

God has not called me to an easy life—He has called me to a purposeful life. 

Our life is frittered away by detail ... Simplify, Simplify. (Henry Thoreau)

My fear for you is not failure, but success in the things that do not matter. (Howard Hendricks)

Getting more done doesn’t ensure that you will be happier; it just means that you get more done. (Lee Silber) 

It is not enough if you are busy. The question is, What are you busy about? (Henry David Thoreau)

Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together. (Vincent van Gogh)
Sometimes it is hard to admit that overwork is sin, but it is. Overwork is destructive of the Holy Spirit. It dims the vision, sharpens the temper, kills creativity, and deadens spiritual sensitivity. (Hellene Pollock)

Sometimes, we gain more by doing less. (unknown)
What is asked of us is not necessarily a great deal of time devoted to what we regard as spiritual things, but the constant offering of our wills to God, so that the practical duties which fill most of our days can become part of His order and be given spiritual worth. (Evelyn Underhill)

The things that matter to God matter. (Emerson Eggerichs

Living by priorities and within boundaries is a lot smarter than living on adrenaline. (Kristina Kroon)

Embrace all but only the good things that God has intended for you. (Lauren Bell)

I cannot carry every load, but I can carry the load God has for me. (Joanna Weaver)

It’s a great release to know that the secret to “doing it all” is not necessarily doing it all, but rather discovering which part of the all He has given us to do and doing all of that. (Jill Briscoe)

When my relationship with God is in order, other things will be in order. And when my relationship with God is out of order, everything else in my life is going to be out of order, sooner or later. (Nancy Leigh deMoss)

It is better to be faithful than famous. (Theodore Roosevelt)

Live in light of eternity.

Eliminate and concentrate! (Ann Ortlund)

Live your life with purpose. If your life is about Christ, then everything you do should have a point—point to Christ. (Peter Kroon)

Making a living is only part of living. (Cecil Andrus)

How are your commitments lining up with your values?

Make your choices based on your priorities, not your feelings. (Kristina Kroon)

In everything by prayer . . . (Apostle Paul) 

In each day God gives us enough time and energy to fulfill all but only what He has called us to do for that day. (Nancy Leigh deMoss)

One reason we are so harried and hurried is that we make yesterday and tomorrow our business, when all that legitimately concerns us is today. If we really have too much to do, there are some items on the agenda which God did not put there. Let us submit the list to Him and ask Him to indicate which items we must delete. There is always time to do the will of God. If we are too busy to do that, we are too busy. (Elisabeth Elliot)

In the absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily acts of trivia. (unknown)

Don’t just do what you want to do; do what you were made to do! (unknown)

* The above quotations were collected from various sources. I have done my best to quote and credit them correctly. Please inform me if you notice an error.

1 comment:

  1. Love this quote series, Kristina. Thanks for sharing!
