Thursday, January 5, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Today is Thankful Thursday #11 and my first Thankful Thursday in the new year! Today I've decided to jot down five every-day things that I'm thankful my dad does for our family. As I've been living at home again, I'm the daily recipient of his thoughtfulness and serving. Here are just a few examples . . .

1) Every morning Dad gets up before any of us have to leave the house, to scrape the frost off the windshields of our vehicles. Depending on who has to leave first and whose car is blocked in by the others, he moves the cars out of the way, so that we each can leave without hassle.

2) Dad keeps all of our cars filled with gas. He also makes sure all of our vehicles stay in good repair.

3) Dad does all of our family grocery shopping.

4) Dad prepares meals for us when Mom and I are too busy to do it (which is more often than not).

5) Dad keeps our family finances, as well as my own personal finances, in order.

I am thankful to be living at home with a father who daily demonstrates his love and commitment to our family.

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